the practice of
sculpture and life

words and thoughts on

Intentions, words and emotions

The field of possibilities
My workshop is my temple; a space where all is possible. I have installed this sanctuary in a space between a river and the forest, painted in the colors of the sunset, with shapes evoking an Egyptian temple fresco.

My intention is to allow myself to envision my work as a universe in constant expansion. To make my own path with my desires and instinct as my guides.

‘Allow yourself to’ -
A significant role is played in the relationship with oneself in the act of creation. Regarding one’s curiosity, capacity along with courageto regularly explore the inner cave and then return. This process can be as exhilarating as it is intimidating. This journey influences how you observe and perceive the world around you, then digest this newfound information, translating it into personal expression..

Choose words with intention
I use both the terms sculptor and sculpture. Because this work, for me, is to sculpt a language, a universe, shapes, materials all the same with words as with images. The choice of words is crucial because they can confine or reveal. My intention is to expand horizons, to showcase the possibilities of the materials I work with.

Sculpture to return to oneself
Guiding a person who observes a sculpture to stray from their preconceived notions. Allowing them to freely explore their feelings about it before asking 'What is its use?' Allow them to connect to their emotions before using words, giving space for these suspended moments of returning to oneself.

While reading, play this soundscape recorded during a walk in the forest to my studio.

writings -
the practice of sculpture and life


Lien terre-pierre-histoire (texte-FR)

“La relation entre terre et pierre est un thème que j'explore librement dans mon travail. La minéralité, la puissante présence des roches et rochers, ces strates de temps qui supplantent le temps humain” - 2019
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Entretien avec Estelle de Brutal Ceramics

Un entretien intéressant avec des questions pour raconter son monde - 2020
Lire l’interview


Clay from the Past

[…] “I think about the lost worlds that engendered us and the countless people that made objects with clay over thousands years.”[…]
- 2018
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Lately -

“I’ve been thinking about the geological times that we can hardly grasp. The many mineral formations scattered in the forest surrounding the studio keep on inspiring me in the deepest way, it is a strong feeling, beyond words.” 
- 2020
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Terre & Temps

Le format vidéo de “Pratique & Nature” réalisé en Mai 2020, m’a donné envie d’explorer ce médium pour aborder des thématiques liées à la pratique de la sculpture et de la vie - 2020


Pratique & nature

Dans cette vidéo, je pose des mots sur la pratique de la sculpture et de la vie. Projet sur invitation de l’artiste Kethevane Cellard dans le cadre d’un workshop sur les textures de la nature dans une école d’art de Lyon.
- Mai 2020

Rencontre des pratiques

Lorsque mes mots et ma voix de “Pratique & Nature” rencontrent la recherche chorégraphique de la danseuse et chorégraphe Karima El Amrani. On navigue entre musique, voix et mouvements dans sa création solo intitulée « Album de Chorégraphies ».